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Spend the most exciting full-day holiday in your lifetime, experience the adventure, follow the calling of nature and explore the last corner of untouched nature in Europe.

DSC00286Badzo-raft kindly invites you to join us in one of the following organized excursions that last more than one day:
1. resting and camping in Lake Boračko known as the jewel and the mountain eye of Mt Prenj
2. visiting the Olympic mountains situated between Sarajevo and Konjic (the area of Igman and Bjelašnica)
3. white-water rafting down the canyon of the Neretva River
4. diving courses organized in cooperation with the diving club SCUBA- Sarajevo on Lake Jablanica, the Neretva River and the Adriatic Sea (the Pelješac peninsula). After the completion of the course you receive the international certificate allowing you the opportunity for the subsequent independent diving in any part of the world.

Each of the tours described above includes the travel, accommodation, breakfast and diner each day and organized evening parties.

New Image-19To all nature lovers, we would especially like to recommend the rafting down the canyon of the Neretva River since this is the unique opportunity for you to glimpse at the nature of incomparable beauty.

The rich flora and fauna, impressive waterfalls, beautiful cliffs giving the feeling of peace and great pleasure.

DSC03243Raft trips on the Neretva take the entire day. There is a possibility of spending the night in the guesthouse Župski biser or Pansion Ada or simply camping near Lake Boračko.
The place of departure is 35 km from Konjic. If you decide to book our raft trip, we will organize the travel to and from the place of departure.

If someone is interested we have a short movie here.

In participating in one of the excursions described above you will receive full rafting and camping equipment. On our descent to the valley, we will stop for lunch and enjoy Bosnian traditional food. The trip takes us through places with no civilization and untouched nature.
The priority in Badžo-raft Agency are the ecological way of working and living. This trip can be thus understood as a kind of learning how to preserve and nurture the nature.


Badžo-raft Agency is a special opportunity for ecological gatherings in the sense of practical teaching (i.e. theoretical and practical lectures about ecology in general) of the young ecologists since we have the chance to engage the topmost experts in this field. The best and experienced skippers in rafting will do everything necessary for your safety and make your rafting trip an experience of a lifetime.

New Image-67Join Badžo-raft Agency and survive deep canyons of the Neretva together with best and experienced skippers who will help you confront the beautiful Neretva without any fear.

The trip takes about 6 hours, beginning in Glavitičevo and ending in Džajiči.

Briefly about the trip:
After the arrival to Džajiči, the place where you leave your cars or bus as well as other personal belongings, you board into our vehicle, which takes you to Glavatičevo. After enjoying the warm beverage in the restaurant Župski Biser, you are ready to experience the unforgettable adventure.

HPIM0914When we leave Mali Kanjon, and survive the first part of the trip, we will stop for a shorter break in one of the stunning beaches reachable only by boat. This will be your chance to taste some of Bosnian food specialties prepared on grill known to locals as ?roštilj?. After lunch, rest and swimming follows rafting through Veliki Kanjon across unforgettable rapids and over magnificent waterfalls of the green beauty Neretva. The trip ends with the arrival to the meeting point Džajiči. The trip lasts for 6 hours with the distance of 25 km.



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Our strongest and best advertisement is hundreds of satisfied and pleased customers, who are a living proof of the successfulness of our services.


The river of Neretva runs for 230 km ,starting from the eastern part of the mountain of Lebršnik and it flows into Adriatic Sea .Out of all the rivers flows swiftly through the mountanous landscape of Prenj, Crvanj, P8101014Bjelašnica and Visočica forming steep canyons and gulches.

It is also the only Bosnian river that does not flow towards the north, but makes a sharp turn around the Prenj Mountain and flows towards south .Besides its beautiful azure green colour itis famous fot its water in its upper streams .The upper flow (about first 80 km ) is populated with endemic fish such as Mekousna Pastrmka (Trout) and Glavatica ( Mountain Salmon).

The upper flow of Neretva is enriched with the smaller rivers that pour into her stream :Rakitnica ,Ljuta ,Krupac , Lađanica ,Bukovica and Bijela .Due to the very peculiar content of the soil around its stream (the very unique sedimentation process that has taken hundreds of hot /cold springs .Some of these river's streams ,such as Rakitnica's, are so swift and powerful that they imprint canyons so high (1000m high Rakitnica) and narrow -they could only be accessible through actual swimming or a mini-boat .Rakitnica's canyon is a very famous one , for its lenght numbers 30 km and its stream could be so steep that it crafts beautiful waterfalls .Due to its uncanny ,raw beauty ,this river became a part of the protected Nature Landscape Reserve area in 1956.Other areas that are to become part of the protected National Park area are the canyon of Neretva (its upper stream all the way to Konjic),as well as the mountains of Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja.
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